APVisuals Assists Client to Obtain $1.9 Million Dollar Verdict in Tobacco Litigation Case
APVisuals recently assisted the Menendez Law Firm in a Philip Morris USA in Tobacco Litigation Case in Miami, Florida. Menendez's client claimed that the Defendant's marketing of menthol cigarettes caused her to begin smoking which eventually led to squamous cell carcinoma of the lung and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. After a trial, an Miami-Dade County jury awarded the Plaintiff $1.9 million in compensatory and punitive damages. For further details on this case please see the Daily Business Review article.
APVisuals along with Yolivan Multimedia provided professional and full trial support on location in Miami, Florida including providing a hot seat operator. APVisuals also printed and delivered high quality trial boards. APVisuals organized and used software to readily bring up documents at trial - as all tobacco litigation cases have voluminous documents.

APVisuals also assisted with the rental and set up of all AV equipment.
If you or your firm have a tobacco litigation matter needing interactives, exhibits, or an animation, Please call APVisuals at 305-318-9570 to discuss. If you have an upcoming mediation or trial and would like to discuss how APVisuals can help you obtain the settlement or verdict that you are searching for, please contact us. We look forward to working with you.