Gloss or Matte Laminate? - Inquisitive Minds Want To Know
APVisuals, a South Florida Legal Graphics company, discusses the pros and cons of gloss and matte laminate for exhibit boards a/k/a blow-ups a/k/a trial boards. Just in case ... you want the quick answer ... in our opinion ... matte laminate wins 99% of the time over matte.
So as you may or may not know, APVisuals and its staff has over 20 years of experience designing, printing and laminating exhibit boards/trial boards for South Florida attorneys. We have been providing in-house printing and lamination for Miami-Dade and Broward attorneys for the past 15+ years. Working with various printers, inks and lamination, we can safely say, that we know a thing or two about what type of materials create the best exhibits boards for durability, accuracy and overall professionalism. With that said, one of our clients recently asked us "What type of lamination would be best for trial boards?" Our gut instinct reply - MATTE. But, quickly here are the pros/strengths for Matte Lamination.
In Video Deposition - When conducting a video deposition and using exhibit boards, matte laminate finish allows the videographer to accurately video the exhibit that is being used in deposition. Video depositions require lighting and many times the conference rooms utilized have fluorescent lighting, which combines with a glossy laminate, may lead to a blinding glare behind the camera.
In Courtroom - Allows for a great view of the board from any angle in the Courtroom. Similar to a deposition, courtrooms utilize fluorescent lighting which can create a glare from certain angles. Using matte laminate, the chances of a glare are drastically reduced allowing all to view the exhibit board from any angle in the courtroom.
APVisuals has seen in one case where gloss laminate is better than matte laminate - a Slip and Fall Case. If you are taking a slip and fall case to trial, we would recommend that glass laminate is used for your boards - for the obvious reasons.
We understand that lamination finishes can be simply a client preference. However, APVisuals has vast experience preparing and producing trial exhibits where we will recommend the best for your case's needs.

From left to right: Gloss Laminate, Matte Laminate
APVISUALS CONTROLS THE WHOLE PRINTING PROCESS. We do not out source your exhibits to third party vendors. We have our own large format printer, mounter and laminating system; everything is done in-house. Some of our other in house services include: document scanning, large format printing, laminating, legal graphic design, medical illustrations, drone footage, and much more. If need trial boards for trial, mediation or depositions, please contact us to discuss how we can work with you on your case for optimal results. We look forward to hearing from you.