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Civil Jury Trial in Miami-Dade County? It is Happening in the Family Courthouse.

Do you have an upcoming civil circuit case set for trial in Miami-Dade County? One thing is for sure - if it is happening in the near future, it will be moving forward within the Family Courthouse, the Lawson Courthouse. With all of the delays caused by COVID-19, the last thing any Miami-Dade litigator needed was the closure of the Miami-Dade County Historical Courthouse located at 73 West Flagler, but that is exactly what happened due to structural concerns.

Are you ready to put on your client's case in the Lawson Courthouse? APVisuals is! We have experience: 1) providing the necessary trial AV equipment (including set up and break down); 2) communicating with the appropriate bailiffs and judicial assistants in order to comply with each judge's requests; 3) with the security procedures to admit the proper personnel and equipment for your trial presentation; and 4) knowledge of the equipment provided by the Court to not duplicate. These are all issues that YOU, as the attorney, should be delegating and not needing to worry when you have more pressing issues, like the substantive portion of your client's case.

An experienced technology and trial graphics consultant is readily available to discuss with you your options, methods of how to present your evidence to the jury, and strategy in capturing the jury's attention.

If you or your firm are headed to trial in Miami-Dade, please contact us at 888-399-0988 to discuss how APVisuals can help you and your team at trial. You can also send us an email at


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